” “I’ve been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master.”„
Editie de colectie, disponibila din 13 noiembrie in magazinele de specialitate
In timp ce galaxia se pregateste pentru noul film Star Wars, cele 6 filme epice vor fi disponibile incepand cu 13 noiembrie, intr-o editie de colectie limitata, in format Blu-ray steelbook. Fiecare film are un nou personaj pe coperta:
- The Phantom Menace (Amenintarea Fantomei) – Darth Maul
- Attack of the Clones (Atacul Clonelor) – Yoda
- Revenge of the Sith (Razbunarea Sith) – Generalul Grievous
- A New Hope (O noua speranta)– Darth Vader
- The Empire Strikes Back (Imperiul Contraataca)– Soldat Imperial
- Return of the Jedi (Intoarcerea lui Jedi) – Imparatul Palpatine.
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